I help Introverted Gamers Build Muscle.


14 Day Free Workshop

  • 100% FREE guide to building muscle.

  • Nutrition & Training guidance

  • Confidence & Mindset tips

  • Optimizing the Essentials framework explained

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Challenge starts:

Why listen to me on this?

Hi, I'm Jonnie

BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science graduate, fitness enthusiast, gamer & introvert.

I've competed in bodybuilding competitions at an international level and over the past 12+ years I've helped introverts, gamers and those lacking self confidence find their way into fitness and build muscle.

I am incredibly proud of my journey and my ability to help others, I have both the understanding and experience to know exactly what is required mentally and physically to make a change and to achieve your goals.

The picture on the left is me when I left school, I was relentlessly bullied for being skinny, being called 'skeletor' throughout secondary school.

I'm telling you this because I know how it feels to be an introvert with little to no confidence in themselves. I was (and still am) addicted to World of Warcraft. I'd spend hours in my room gaming with my online friends, shying away from social interactions and had no idea how to even start my fitness journey.

Fast forward 14 years to me on the right. The product of sifting through countless conflicting training and nutrition advice, often battling with wanting to quit and feelings of not getting anywhere.

For years I've seen people share a similar story, often confused with which advice to adhere to and halting their progress.

My goal is to provide a simple, effective system, that contains actionable frameworks, that you can apply to your own fitness journey.

I've created Optimizing the Essentials - developed by tweaking and refining my 14 years of academic, professional and personal training experience into a coaching programme that will allow you to excel in health and fitness.

What's the workshop about?

Optimizing the Essentials

Outlining the fundamentals of exercise and nutrition, back to basics.

Build Confidence

Overcome the fears and insecurities by arming yourself with the knowledge and ability to succeed.

Develop Knowledge

You'll develop the ability to execute effectively, in all aspects of health and fitness.